Sunday, June 3, 2012

For the Love of Learning

Council Members, yesterday, this writer had the chance to visit his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin - Madison, which is twenty miles from his home. The campus border to the north is Lake Mendota, which is three by six miles in size. It was a hot sunny day, and it was fun sitting outside by the lakeshore watching the student sailing club. As this writer sat there, he listened to the feelings that welled up in him. The faces, events of the past came - and went, but what remained was an awareness of the deep love of learning in this writer. To its great credit, my alma mater nurtured this love of learning in me. One reason was the faculty, advisors, and classmates also loved learning. If we share our core love of learning with our students - and, yes, each other - we cannot lose. Dr. Rux

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